Sinhala (Sri Lanka)Tamil-Sri Lanka
Immunization Important Link

Important Link



Last Updated on Saturday, 20 January 2018 15:19

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Latest Events on Corona

COVID - 19 Daily Situation Report


COVID - 19 Situation Sri Lanka - Epidemiological Summary

COVID - 19 Vaccination Summary





COVID-19 Death Analysis - (5-18) Age group

Preparation Pfizer Vaccine

Read More About COVID - 19

Provisional Clinical Guidelines on COVID-19
COVID - 19 Hospital Preparedness Final
To minimize COVID - 19 in the country

SL - TL 2019

Timor Leste - Sri Lanka twining agreement thematic area 3 - 2019




CKDu Study 2017

Epid / WHO / NSF CKDu Study 2017
Health and Emergency Response - Flood and landslide 2018





Advice's for patients with Dengue Fever who are on ambulatory care ( Sinhala / Tamil / English)
Printable versions (Sinhala/Tamil/English)
Triage of fever patients with suspected dengue and criteria for admission

Timor Lestre -  Sri Lanka twining agreement

Health and Emergency Response - Flood and landslide 2018 New

Introduction of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine into the National Immunization Programme


Advice's for patients with Dengue Fever who are on ambulatory care ( Sinhala / Tamil / English )

Printable versions ( Sinhala / Tamil / English )

Triage of fever patients with suspected dengue and criteria for admission


Disease Surveillance in Flood Affected Areas

1. Public health measures to be adopted in the event of floods.

2. Health messages for public.


Zika Leaflet ( Sinhala/English )

Revised Guidelines for Clinical Management, Laboratory Investigation and Surveillance of Patients with Zika Virus Infection


Immunization coverage assessment survey


Ebola Preparedness – Assessment in Sri Lanka

Polio Eradication Endgame Plan


Influenza Disease

Seasonal Influenza

Influenza in pregnancy

MERS-CoV Infection

Introduction of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine

Symposium on Challenges in Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C


Working guideline for the management of patients having Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Diagnosis of Ebola virus disease (EVD)

Haematological investigations of Ebola Virus disease (EVD) suspected patients

Before conducting any haematological investigations on suspected   Ebola Virus disease (EVD) patients

Please contact,

  1. Epidemiology unit – 0112 695112, 0112 681548
  2. Dr. Sunethra Gunasena  (Consultant virologist ) Medical Research Institute(MRI) Colombo
- 0112 693532, 0112 693533,0112 693534 / 5

Disease surveillance go online

Routine H399 (Weekly Return of Communicable Diseases) based disease surveillance system has been the driving hub for Sri Lankan...

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Press Releases

A report has been received on 22nd March 2011 by the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health from the Regional Epidemiologist...

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